Dear Kathryn,
I received your manuscript in time to take on my silent retreat. And it was the most perfect writing for me to have because my teacher, Michael, gave us our first instruction for the silent retreat…on nature. It was to be our focus for the entire weekend. I was able to read about half of the manuscript on Saturday while sitting outside of a round house on top of a mountain in Oracle, Arizona outside of Tucson…with a vista too beautiful for words, a cool breeze on my skin, the biggest sky I have ever experienced and birds singing all around me. I felt as if you were there with me. I heard your voice and your laugh, saw your sparkling eyes…and I could feel and see every single experience you described. I was there in your life stories with you. As they say…I laughed and I cried.
I LOVE YOUR BOOK! I cannot wait to share it with everyone I know. (I really did not want to put it down once I got started!) Thank you again for sharing your life and the stories of your life so openly and so beautifully…and for honoring me with this treasured preview of your work. I so admire your zest for life and living and your strong desire to learn about so many things…you truly are an amazing model. Reading your book is an inspiration.
Consider getting it onto the required reading list of some schools…say for young teenage girls…they need to know about the things you have experienced…to know that there is a bigger world outside of their own small ones…about shifting the focus.
Much love,
Joanna Chernauskas, Phoenix, AZ
“I first read an excerpt from your book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy in the Science of Mind Magazine. I ordered your book and read it several times, enjoying it to the core.” Z.W.
Dearest Kathryn,
I’d like to offer my impressions and reflections on the reading and holding of your beautiful book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy. My initial encounter with the physical book itself was a feeling of comfort; the cover conveys a sensuous experience in which I actually smelled an imagined rose scent upon looking at it for the first time. Yes! In reading endorsements, I felt the love these people had for you. Even the shape and size of the book and the smooth paper cover suggested caring, attention to detail and a sense of “Keepsake”–a work of art you keep with you, to re-read, share with others and cherish over the years as it holds important lessons of life, gleaned from the Gardens of our Lives that seem to get lost in the frantic pace of our 21st century lives! Blessed Book it is, meant to nurture, inspire, encourage, entertain, companion, surprise and fortify the reader. You, as writer, have gleaned what are really the sources of Joy in our human experience and found the perfect words to express THAT. You have a beautiful voice and your Book Sings to our Souls.
Barbara Stafford, Cape Cod, MA
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! I also wanted to tell you how much I love your book. It was like visiting an old and dear friend. All those who come into our home pick it up to look at and start reading. Thank you, for such a lovely book!
Mary Jane, Chicago
I loved your book! You are a captivating writer! It was such a good read I could not put it down. I cherish having it in my library so I can return to its wisdom and delight again and again.
Margery Meisels, France
“I finally had some quiet time to curl up and start reading your book, and it’s really FUN! Love your rooster story, and the chapter about untangling vines, and– and– It’s hard to put down! Gold stars for you, my dear, and many of them. I find I have to ration my reading time, because I want it to LAST. Or else you’d better get busy writing another one, PRONTO, because I’ll finish this soon, and want moreadventures– NOW! No kidding, Kathryn, this is a fascinating look inside your life-philosophy. Many thanks for what will be hours more of lovely reading enjoyment!”
Maude K., artist, San Francisco
“I found your book and website through Kepler’s in Menlo Park. I have been reading a bit each night and finished it last night. I feel like I have met a new friend in you, Kathryn, certainly a kindred soul. I have always seen the wisdom in the garden and nature as a way of understanding our human lives. You do a beautiful job of raising up the richness in the earth stories and in our precious and challenged lives. Thank you for the JOY that comes through your words and actions. May you continue to enjoy and share your spirit, spunk and love for life.” ~ Wendy